As we enter into 2024, I’m feeling inspired to hit the ground running. But not in the cliche way I usually do, where I want to rehaul my routines and maximize efficiency. Rather I want to continue the momentum I’ve built in 2023.

This is the start of my 3rd year freelancing full-time and the 4th year of my business, which I am immensely proud of. I’ve learned a lot of lessons, especially in the last two years, and I thought I’d share some of them with you.

  1. Believe in yourself.

    This was one of the most difficult lessons for me to learn. It’s funny because I’ve always thought I believed in myself pretty well. But this last year taught me how to do so fully. I used to look at other freelancers, agency owners, and entrepreneurs and thought I’d be better off as someone’s right-hand man rather than being the main character myself. Now, thanks to my amazing support system and clients, I know I have what it takes to lead the way.

  2. It’s okay to say no.

    This is one that’s been hard for me, both personally and professionally, as a chronic people pleaser and optimistic human. I always want to see the best in things, people, and opportunities… but I’ve realized it’s equally as important to say no as it is to say yes. And saying no doesn’t mean you’re giving up, being negative, or difficult. Saying no is powerful; try it.

  3. Unplugging is crucial to creativity.

    I’m writing this blog on an airplane on 12/31/23 after a week of cutting my screen time in half, and I feel like my mind is clear for the first time in months. It’s refreshing and so needed for my productivity and mental health. I sure love what I do, but being in digital marketing usually means more scrolling than usual. And this has been a helpful reminder that being unplugged from time to time is just as productive as being plugged into the trends and current digital landscape.

  4. Don’t be afraid to do things your way.

    No matter who’s trained you or what tools are most popular, it’s okay to do things the way YOU want to or feel are best for you. For me, I’m saying bye to a few programs in 2024 that I’ve realized are not necessary for how I like to work. And in turn, saving some money on subscriptions.

  5. Never stop dreaming.

    I’m amazed to look back at the last year (and longer) and see how many of my goals I’ve actually achieved. Literally, almost all of them… some of that is because I know myself well enough to know what goals are realistic and motivating. But some of that is also because I never stop dreaming. Now, it’s also crucial to count your blessings often; otherwise, it’ll never feel like enough. But follow your dreams. It’s fun.

As you head into the new year, I encourage you to reflect before you set your goals, intentions, or manifestations for the new year. It’s incredibly important to remember how far you’ve come. 

This year, I plan to believe in my dreams to start an email newsletter and a new source of passive income. Say no to projects and plans that don’t align with my personal goals and boundaries. Unplug more often as I start new hobbies and spend quality time with loved ones. Check-in to determine which processes work well for me and ensure I’m not doing things just because they’re trendy. Dream of what’s ahead, both professionally and personally. 

I hope you reach your goals this year, but I also hope you love yourself no matter what this year has in store. You’ve got this. Keep dreaming.


